Cherry Cheesecake
8 years ago
Hello friends, welcome back to another edition of Not Me! Monday! in which I spill my guts so you can bust one. Why, might you ask? Because I'm friendly and that's exactly what friends are for, virtual peeps.For starters, I most definitely did not skip church yesterday morning so we could take the female members of the puppy posse to shot clinic. I certainly didn't have to do it then because I'd put it off for a couple of months and needed to make sure they'd be ok while we're on vacation. Because I'm a responsible pet owner, my friends, I would certainly NOT do that!I also did not start crying the moment I woke up today because my baby was going off to church camp for the very first time. I did not feel my heart break a bit because she only did the 'side wave' with a simple 'bye' while she was loading up with her friends. Nope, not me!I also did not spend the entire (kid free) weekend with my man lounging around the house and doing a whole bunch of nothing simply so I would have housework to do while the little one is gone. Certainly not me because that would probably border on pathetic.While watching He's Just Not That Into You this weekend, I did not thank God over and over and over again that I am no longer in the dating scene. Praise Him, friends - praise Him!When my mom picked Tay up from golf on Saturday, she did not tell me she'd picked 246 peaches out of her yard on Friday and went back for 4 more to make an even number. I did not laugh, think 'wow - the Type A apple doesn't fall far from the tree' and then post about it on Facebook. Nope - not me!I did not go to zumba last week and halfway through think 'wow, I'm really getting this down...I'm bad, you know it...' only to be brought to my knees by the three 'leg songs' that followed shortly thereafter.But you know what I DID do last week?I went to the doctor to find that all my zumba has led to being almost completely taken off of blood pressure medications (brought on initially by the need for septum correction surgery) AND then found out that my labs are much better as well. Yep, I sure DID!Have a great week, my friends, and know that my next post of this type will, I'm sure, be filled with random things I did not find myself doing/experiencing while milling around Disney for 8 days. I mean, seriously, knowing myself, there's going to be some major material there!
Posted by Casi at 11:14 AM
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