In early June, the week before we went to Disney World, my babe went off to church camp for the very first time. She was so stinkin' excited about it that she couldn't see straight and, even though some unfortunate things happened shortly before departure to try to make her reconsider, she overcame and had an absolutely wonderful time at Mt. Lebanon.
Dave and I took her up to church together and Bo decided he wanted to see her off as well...
She would not look at me for a picture. Apparently the peer pressure of just having other kids around caused her to go into complete camera meltdown. Just another sign my baby's growing up, I suppose...

Here's the group as they were about to take off for a fun - albeit exhausting - week.
I was so worried about this little one all week. I prayed for her daily, sent her emails and had tucked a note for her to read each night before she went to sleep into her suitcase. She was absolutely fine, though, and had a great week away from mom and dad. In fact, she apologized to me for only reading two of my notes. She was just too busy. Funny how she managed to find time to open all of the envelopes with her daily allowance in them...
Anyway, she returned happy and tired and ready for Disney. But without a sunburn. Thank you, Jesus, for reminding her to use all of that sunscreen I sent. It would have been rough to head on a 20-hour road trip with a burnt child.

Thank you, Lord!
She is absolutely amazing and growing up so fast I have whiplash but it's so much fun to hang out with her and I'm blessed beyond measure to be her mommy. Thankfully, she still asks for hugs each day, makes a point to tell me 'I love you' at least five times per day, and likes to cuddle at the end of each day.
But don't tell her friends since she's all grown up and all now, ok?
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