Last week was a whirlwind at work and this one doesn't look to be much better so forgive me for being mostly absent from blogworld. I did manage to upload a number of pictures from the past couple of weeks, though, so I'll share them in several pieces instead of writing, like, the longest post ever.
You're welcome.
The Sunday after Dave had been home all week with H1N1 we took a little trip to the pumpkin patch. For one, Tay needed to make a storybook pumpkin for the following day (nothing like waiting until the last minute, right?) and, two, Dave needed a small outing to start building his stamina again.
Two birds, one stone - I'm in!

Hmm...does this one make the cut?

Besides, we had fun doing it and that's all that matters, right?

She also painted this little guy just for fun. He's now hanging out on our front porch for an indefinite period of time. Or Thanksgiving, whichever comes first.
This concludes our pumpkin patch fun. You'll be jealous to know that after this adventure we went straight to Wal-Mart. I know, what more exciting way could one spend a Sunday afternoon. I try not to brag much but just couldn't help myself this time. :-)
Next up is Baylor's Family Treat Night where my little Twister game made her debut!
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