Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

Monday, January 5, 2009

Special Letter to Santa

Tay has really gotten into making things lately...well, actually she's always been a crafter but she's into making cards right now. Dave and I both got homemade Taylor cards when we opened gifts on Christmas Eve.

When we put out our cookies, milk and carrots fo
Santa (and the reindeer), Tay showed me the very special note she'd prepared for him. In it, she noted that she left carrots last year and wanted to know if the reindeer enjoyed them. She actually wrote this afterward:

Answer: ________________________________

But told Santa only to answer if he had time. Then she added a signature line at the bottom:

Sighn: _________________________________

Again, only if the big guy had time...she was ecstatic that he did and now says she will 'treasure his autograph forever!'