Some time back I wrote about how 2010 had been dubbed the Year of Restoration for our little family. Well, it also seemed to be a year of pruning as well. Sometimes it was painless and other times, it was most definitely not.
We were incredibly blessed with the decrease in Dave's knee pain (though not completely gone) after his surgery and Taylor now has a fully functioning (and STRAIGHT) right elbow but those things came with a cost. It was not easy for Dave to spend 11 weeks non-weightbearing nor was it delightful for Tay to endure 14 months of appointments, therapy and strange looking contraptions on her little arm.
Our hearts were torn out of our chests when we said goodbye to our sweet Bo but we rejoice every single day for the gift that is Rambo. Ok, so maybe I don't rejoice in all the gifts he leaves for me but you know what I mean...I think...
Anyway, point being that when I look back at 2010 it felt a lot like a marathon. There were a number of personal business issues we had to rectify (and some took a great deal of work) due to some poor decision making in the past. They weren't things we really wanted to do but they were things that should be done. And so we did.
The awesome thing, though, is that we were so blessed along the way that it took me about seven months in to realize that - wow - we had been down some paths that had a lot of twists and turns and rock climbing involved. All metaphorical, of course.
As I have shared previously, we worked pretty hard at getting more healthy in 2010 as well, which was almost like a real marathon at times except for the fact that I don't run. But, you know, Zumba isn't for sissies so it counts, right?
But I digress...
All that to say that it was truly a year of restoring ourselves, relationships, financial matters and letting go while trusting God that some of our friends were better off in His arms than here with us.
So that brings us to 2011. I'm self-admittedly not a true fan of alliteration but I'm beginning to think maybe He is because the only word that continues to come to mind over and over again for this year is REVIVAL.
The word itself conjures up a mental picture for me but I'm relatively certain He's not encouraging me to dwell in a tent. I mean He could. And I would protest. But it's possible.
Anyway, I don't necessarily know what that means but I also had the word RESTORATION on my heart long before we learned about Dave's surgery, my grandmother's surgery or Tay's arduous journey.
But He knew all along.
So I'm curious. And, because I am who I am, a bit anxious. Way excited. And ready.
Cherry Cheesecake
8 years ago
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