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Monday, August 18, 2014

Life's a Beach

After a brief respite, let's continue to relive vacation. Cool? Seriously, I'm sure no one cares but I do like looking back on it from time to time so please humor me. :)

Our Thursday in the beach house was pretty lazy. There was a lot of lounging around...

...and watching television...

...and just being generally lazy.

There was also some napping going on. :)

The girls and I headed down to the beach while Tonto napped and my parents did some sightseeing. It was a beautiful day.

And Taylor finally got Tiny to stay awake long enough to actually dip her toes in the water.

But that didn't last long. She passed out while the girls and I were standing in the waves and ended up napping with Tonto.

We enjoyed some girl time before these two left me to take a shower and get ready for a nice dinner at On The River that night.

So I spent a long time here...

...just gazing and relaxing and wishing I didn't ever have to leave.

And, yes, dinner was amazing but I can't share any of those pics because Tiny's sweet face is in all of them, y'all. She was in rare form after her long nap and really enjoyed herself. 

We enjoyed a sweet last night in the house as my parents were leaving the next day and we were heading to a new destination. But our time at The Great Escape was seriously amazing. In fact, we're planning to visit again pretty soon. What can I say? We're beach folk. :)