Last night when Tay and I got home the puppy posse was going nuts just begging for a little trip outside to do their 'business.' So Tay took them out while I woke up Sleeping Beauty (aka Dave) as he'd been taking a little cat nap.
Imagine my surprise when Tay ran back into the house seconds later with all the dogs in tow and informed us there was a snake outside. As she exclaims, 'What do we do now?' my husband jumps up from the bed and uncharacteristically says 'That's what Super Davey comes in.'
In all fairness, Super Dave was his nickname when he played softball but, seriously, I've never heard him refer to himself like that. Oh, and did I mention he then pretended to fly out of the bedroom down the hallway?
As I'm changing out of my work clothes, I casually tell Tay that I'm sure it's just a grass snake and SD will surely take care of it. She looked at me like I was absolutely insane and said, 'I really don't think so.'
Again, what?!?!
This is where she shares the information that said slithery animal is orange, yellow and brown. About this time, SD sticks his head in the back door and says, 'Hey Casi, what's that saying about the colors on a coral snake?'
Oh my!
I'm racking my brain and all I can remember is 'black on yellow, kill a fellow.' Which is partly correct but not completely. It got the point across, though, because the next thing my man said to me was 'Well, guess I better get my shovel then.'
For the third time - WHAT?!?!
At this point, I decided I should quickly put on some shoes and get outside to see what was going on but, because I'm such a chicken, I stopped to get my camera to kill a little time. By the time I got to the back door, Bo had drooled a puddle all over the floor because he was chomping at the bit to join in the action.
I shooed him away and opened the back door (cautiously, for sure) and I hear my man saying something along the lines of 'Don't you bite me, mister' except with more colorful language.
Again, oh my!!
And then it was over. Mr. Coral Snake no longer had a head that was attached to his body. He was, however, still moving a bit due to nerves which really disturbed Taylor. Until we explained it to her, that is.
So, the rest of the evening was spent with my man running on pure adrenaline because he was able to defend his peeps and kill something at the same time, Taylor running around saying 'I've got a story to tell tomorrow' and my glowing because I knew I had a blog post for Friday that would knock your socks off.
Personally, I subscribe to the theory that you kill the snake first and ask questions later (if Adam had just knocked the serpent's head off, we would have saved ourselves a world of hurt, don't you think) but SD was very humanitarian about it and made sure it was truly venomous before taking the shovel to the little guy.
Needless to say, SD will be taking the puppy posse out for the remainder of the weekend.
Can I just say THANK YOU, GOD, for making sure SD was at home and that the puppies weren't outside playing with this thing. He is good. All the time.
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