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Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Puppy Posse Update

Since the blog has been taken up with a number of updates on Tay's arm, multiple illnesses and a few too many pity parties recently, I've neglected giving ample coverage to the third unit of our little fam - the Puppy Posse.

They've been in their fair share of scrapes lately as well. It would appear there remain an infinite number of ways to raise Mama's blood pressure. From chewing pencils into tiny pieces, ransacking the trash, busting out of the gated bedroom when we were nice enough to let them stay inside during the arctic cold snap, and just being generally messy, they find increasingly unique ways to add just the right amount of stress to each day.

Then they throw out the puppy eyes and kisses and all is right with the world.

Until the next time.

They remain cute, though. :-)

And Bo continues to love a good bone....

Prissy continues to lick literally everything in sight. This girl leaves a damp spot everywhere she decides to sit a spell. Lick, lick, lick, lick...I thought this picture that Miss Tay captured was absolutely hilarious...
See what I mean about the puppy eyes?
Bo also thinks he's a human. Can you tell?
And then there's little Perkie or, as I like to call her, she who evades the camera like the plague. Tay loves snuggling with this little one and Perk enjoys it as well. Not that you could tell from this photo...
But she really does, y'all. I promise. Unfortunately, someone performed camera flash torture on her in a previous life. Maybe one day she'll gladly pose like the other two. Until then, you'll just have to imagine her looking more comfortable.

Happy Tuesday!