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Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Teenage Weekends

Ok, I'm backtracking. A lot. Like, before Thanksgiving break. But that's kind of how I roll these days. Not gonna lie.

Living life with an infant is exhausting. Living life with a teen is exhausting. And so, when you combine the two, you basically get a mom who never knows if she's coming or going. That's where I find myself more often than not these days. But I don't want to forget the fun of having a sweet teenage daughter either.

Like when she heads to McLane Stadium on a bitterly frigid Friday night to cheer her high school football team to victory. While cuddling under blankets with friends.

Or the weekends when she loads up with a bunch of girlfriends and heads to a ranch for the night. Complete with campfire, s'mores, laughs, staying up too late watching movies and - maybe most importantly - making memories that will last a lifetime.

She also recently competed on one of her school's Ag Issues teams for FFA. They were absolutely fabulous and I really could not have been more proud of my girl as they did a dry run for the parents a few days before competition. She's really just amazing.

And I'm so very thankful she's mine.