Christmas Eve has always been the "big deal" day for my side of the family. So all the days after were fun but don't exactly require a whole post (you're welcome) I am cramming a bunch of things together.
First - I forgot to post this before but someone looked stunning at her youth Christmas party. And it was not me. Obviously. :-)
On Christmas Day, Taylor spent some time with her dad and his family. As I was getting dressed to drop her off, Tonto got called in for a transport. One that ended up lasting WAAAAAY longer than it should have. This is how the boys and I felt about that particular situation.
I met up with his family for a late lunch and, luckily, he finished up in time to join us. It was a suuuper laid back Christmas Day for us that ended - non-traditionally and of Taylor's choice - with ribeyes, mashed potatoes and gravy, roasted veggies, stuffed jalapenos and more candy brownies.
The days following Christmas were filled with football, shopping with the girl, lunches out with the whole fam, reading books and watching a bunch of movies. In fact, Taylor and I spent one entire day doing nothing but watching movies. Well, and taking care of Forrest. It. Was. Glorious.
We also went to see Frozen and it may be my favorite Disney movie EVER. So, so good. And when we walked out of the theatre, we quickly learned the temp had dropped about 30 degrees so we were pretty close to frozen ourselves.
Fast forward to Christmas Even when Tonto and I went to Barkin' Ball. (While the girl spent the night with a friend. After two nights of having different friends over prior. Looooove her having sweet girlfriends to spent time with, y'all.) Yes, again. Why? Because it's the best charity of the event. Bar. None. Trust me on this one.
One of my sweet friends was taking pics that night and sent me this yesterday. Love everything about it. And also not sure why I look somewhat scared. I wasn't, for the record. :-)
New Year's Day was a veritable feast of foods that we don't normally eat. Started out with homemade breakfast tacos, watched some football, made queso from scratch, watched more football, had a dinner of appetizers and then watched my Bears fall to UCF. That last part was a bummer but there was more to that than met the eye so I'm not even a bit worried about next year.
In the middle of all the laziness, I took down the Christmas decorations and kept wondering why someone wasn't trying to help me. I wasn't complaining, mind you, just wondering. Poor fella's dad didn't realize the meat he gave him a bite of the night before had taco seasoning on it. Seasoning with gluten. He wasn't actively ill but still - obviously - cannot tolerate even a little bit. :-(
He rebounded quickly, though, and we rounded out Christmas vacation with more books, naps, snuggles, goat tending and grocery shopping. Oh, and checking out Tonto's new gym. It's awesome. And he has unlimited guest privileges so I've been mixing things up a bit.
All in all, an awesome time of rest and relaxation. I kind of feel like I didn't get much accomplished but know that crazy times are ahead with club volleyball and livestock shows overlapping. Sometimes you need to take a break before the next firestorm of activity. Now we're ready for a winter/spring full of fun and BUSY! ;-)
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