It seems club volleyball is feast or famine. By that I mean we seem to have back-to-back tourneys and then a bit of time off. The beginning of the season was no exception. Our second go round was in the Dallas area in a very large (and nice) facility where eight games could be played concurrently. Which was awesome. And also not quiet or relaxing. At all. :)
It began early in the morning so we were up at the crack of dawn and soon this was our view for the day...well, all of Taylor's sweet teammates. Not just this one.
You'll notice that there are few photos this time around. And you know why? Because every time I picked up my camera, bad things happened on the court. So it put it back down. Because I am NOTHING if not superstitious when it comes to sports.
There was a lot of fun with this sweet girl and her mom. They rode with us and, y'all, it was non-stop fun and laughter. Love. Them. So.
Though teenage years are difficult at times, they can also be a whole lotta fun. And this was definitely one of those weekends.
We were at this venue for TWELVE HOURS, friends. They fought hard and came in third. And did not get a medal. Yes, you read that correctly. Twelve hours. Third place. No medal.
But that's ok - it was a great experience.
And, yes, my baby girl has colored her hair for the first time. A darker brown. And it's beautiful. As are she and her sweet barn friend with whom we have tons o' fun. :-)
Some other significant things happened during this particular weekend. Though I really can't share the details right now, know that we covet your prayers right now. And that it's a GOOD kind of excitement. :-)