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Saturday, October 12, 2013

For My Girl, On Her Birthday

My Dearest Taylor,

Today is your 14th birthday! It's hard for me to believe it's been 14 years since I first laid eyes on you. You were a beautiful dark-haired baby who knew exactly what she wanted and how...even on October 12, 1999. You are even more beautiful all these years later. And still know exactly what you want...and aren't afraid to speak your mind.

To say you have brought me unbridled joy is an understatement of epic proportions. You are the light of my life, dear one. I say this every year but you truly have no idea how many times you've saved your momma from herself. Though I hate how quickly time is flying, you are so stinkin' much fun and there's no one I enjoy hanging out with more.

This time last year, you were at the beginning of what would be the most difficult academic year yet. Seventh grade was hard. For all of us. So much change. So many different dynamics converged into what is deemed "middle school."

But you fought through it. You prevailed. And you made me sooooo proud in the process, sweet girl.

To say 8th grade - only seven weeks in - has been a night and day difference would also be an incredible understatement. You are thriving. Flourishing. Coming into your own. You're not afraid to go against the grain in order to do what's right. You're an incredible friend and love your youth group friends something fierce.

You're still constantly on the go, my girl. There's never a trip of opportunity to "go" that you find uninteresting. You're fun-loving, delightful, hilarious, compassionate, witty and smart. You've taught me more about unconditional love, what it means to be a parent, and have changed me more than I can ever say.

There is no doubt in my mind you will be incredibly successful at any venture you choose. And, though it hurts my heart something fierce to know you'll only be in the house for five more years, I simply cannot wait to see what big things you'll do with your life.

Know that, whatever life brings, you will always go with my love and support. And I'll always be your biggest cheerleader. Whether you want me on your side or not.

Loving you more every day,