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Friday, March 1, 2013

Overnight Delivery

A couple Sundays ago, Tonto headed up to the farm to feed Bruiser before we headed to church. While he was gone, I got a text from him. With a picture. Both somewhat rare occurrences. And when I opened it up, it actually took me a minute to figure out what in the world he was sending. But, y'all, it was an hours old, still wet calf.

Oh. My. Word.

I literally almost died from the cuteness. And you know I got my behind to the farm as quickly as possible - camera in hand - that afternoon. I mean it was the right thing to do given the situation. And though you can't really tell from these pictures, Mom was a bit ON EDGE.

In her defense, though, it certainly appeared she'd had a ROUGH night.

Her reward was PRECIOUS, though, and there's truly nothing I would have enjoyed more than snuggling this little guy. Except that Mom would have killed me. You know, little things.

Though I had my reservations about this whole farm/FFA/livestock show life but there are moments - like this one - when I realized it was absolutely worth it. And that my baby girl is learning lessons at the farm that will last her a lifetime.

If you follow me on FB or Instagram, you already know I'm obsessed with this little guy. And Mom has chilled out a bit. I mean, I'm still not cuddling the little guy but at least I can get better pics of him now. :-)

He's growing up before our very eyes. And truly couldn't be cuter if he tried.

But when I saw him frolicking the other night, it was just too much to take. Don't believe me? Check this out...

...and have a happy Friday. :-)