Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Weekly Top 10

1. After a rough week, I'm feeling much better. In fact, I've even been able to do Zumba again without breaking into a fit of coughing every 3.2 seconds. To say that is progress, friends, is an incredible understatement.

2 My girl will not admit this but she's really talented and is doing amazing things in her art elective this year. Case in point - this duck...she didn't get this talent from me (I can't draw a straight line with a ruler, no kidding) so I'm both proud of her and in awe...

3. Next week is Spring Break and I can't wait. The girl's pretty excited as well because Tonto has a special outing up his sleeve for T and one of her friends. :-)

4. T and one of her friends went skating Sunday afternoon and she returned home with some funky glasses. Rambo thinks he's quite the gangster. He even bared one tooth. Scary, huh?

5. I've finished decorating the house for St. Patrick's Day. Next up will be Easter but I'm somewhat hesitant to pull out all the bunnies, chicks and eggs because thoughts of "this time last year" are beginning to swirl through my mind much more often than I would like. Funny how something can start that process in motion again when you've been doing great for months, isn't it?

6. No, I'm not descending into some spiral of depression. My God is greater. I'll be fine. :-)

7. Volleyball tryouts are tomorrow evening. I'm a little sad because it means her last season at the family center. Hopefully she'll make the middle school team next year because she really love playing.

8. She informed me a couple of weeks ago that she's also planning to try out for the basketball team next year. I've been begging her to play for years and she refused...clearly she'll be attending some type of basketball camp this summer so she won't be completely unprepared.

9. She worked at an elementary school fall carnival last Friday night as part of her Panther Pride service hours. This is what she looked like when I picked her up. It's a shame the child doesn't have a sense of humor. :-)

10. The Big 12 basketball tournament starts this week. The NCAA tourney starts next week. And Baylor football started spring practices yesterday. Can I get an AMEN?

Happy Wednesday, friends!