For most of the girl's life, she has chosen whatever Halloween costume she wanted and I've ordered it during the month of September because I'm a control freak who likes to be prepared. So imagine my surprise when this year she proclaimed a homemade costume was needed because she wanted nothing more than to be a hobo.
After cutting up some of my overalls from college and begging her to wear some type of silly hat (to no avail), her friend Ketchup came over last night and we spent almost two hours trick or treating through the neighborhood.
These girls are silly, y'all, and they had me laughing pretty much all night. Well, at least until it was my bedtime and I was more than ready to head home. :-)
One the first street they told me, "Operation trick or treat has commenced...stand back and watch the magic..."
And by the time we finished there was not a bowl big enough in my house to hold all of the girl's candy. No kidding.
They walked most of the way with me in the car behind them because I have a thing about not letting my child roam the streets after dark. This causes her great distress but, quite frankly, I don't really care. :-)
All in all, it was a wonderful evening and really melted away a lot of the stress a crazy Monday had heaped upon my shoulders. Amazing how spending time with some joyful kiddos can do that, isn't it?
Only one of the many blessings my girl (and now her sweet friends) bestow upon me every day. That's what I call wealth, y'all, and I can't wait to see what next year brings. Thus far I've been told they're dressing up as pencil and paper...
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