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Thursday, October 13, 2011

Weekly Top 10 - The Sickly Edition

Given that this week is almost over and that I've spent most of it in a drug-induced stupor (ie: antibiotics, two types of steroids, Mucinex and Singulair), I'm recapping last weekend in a bit of a different way than usual...and here we go....

1. Last Saturday we headed to Floyd Casey Stadium early to tailgate and watch the Bears beat Iowa State. It wasn't always a pretty game but they got it done and it' a 'W'. I'll take it! There was a special guest on the sidelines...some like to call him Big Phil!

2. The evening before we'd been to another football game  - Midway v. Waco. All week I heard about what a rivalry this game is but, quite frankly, I think that's really a one-sided feeling. It doesn't seem to resonate much around our neighborhood. Either way, it was a...let's say...spirited game and we ended up losing by two points. That's all I'm going to say because my mom was adamant about that whole 'if you can't say something nice...' thing...

3. It was the weekend of pink game, which I dearly love, and our drill team did a great routine that showcased their hot pink in style.

4. My girl hasn't been to the fair yet because I've been so sick. I feel absolutely terrible about it, y'all, but there's not a whole lot I can do to fix it. I am praying I'll be able to take her for a bit tomorrow without having a full blown asthma attack. :-)

5. The big paintball party is almost upon us. Due to me crashing after work every day this week, I'm taking off tomorrow to prepare though I'm still not sure we're ready for a party that includes boys on the invitation list...

6. I am terrible luck for the Rangers. Know why they keep winning late? Because by that time I'm asleep and no longer watching. You're welcome.

7. Sometimes your best friend for a week or so truly is cough medicine. Just sayin'...

8. I find it atrocious that I'm more concerned about Baylor's safety this weekend (due to multiple threats on many different levels) than the actual football game. That's just ridiculous, in my opinion.

9. I added some lowlights to my hair this week and I really don't like it. I'm thinking it might have something to do with me having zero color in my face right now, though. Guess time will tell...

10. Who Dat! It's been a while since I expressed my genuine love for the Saints so there you go...

Happy Thursday!


Pauline said...

Hey Girl! Hope you are feeling better. . .what is up with Baylor security threats? I can't imagine that it will be fun in College Station this weekend.