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Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Sunday in Paradise

Vacation Sunday found us on the balcony very early checking out the view. Again. It was absolutely beautiful and I, for one, couldn't get enough.

We were greeted by this, which I found stunning though somewhat difficult to photograph without lapsing into temporary blindness.

We got dressed and headed to Sea Turtle, Inc., which is a non-profit rescue and rehabilitation for sea turtles (obviously) found on the island who need a little help.

Most were either missing or had a damaged limb; however, there is one sea turtle who has been there for many years and can't be released now because he's over socialized. His name is Jerry and he loves Romaine lettuce. :-)

Jerry's life span will be approximately 150 years and he'll grow up to be about 650 pounds. Can y'all even imagine? That also blows the whole "salad is a good diet food" idea out of the water. :-)

They had beautiful murals and a water tower to mark the spot...

...and a wall detailing the lives of the many sea turtles they've helped through the years...

Inside there's an intensive care unit for the smallest and sickest turtles...

It was really awesome to see these guys up close. Each also had been named and my girl's favorite was a little guy named Pedro. There was another named MJ (hello, Melissa Jones!) so we had to give it a 'Sic 'em!' before leaving. :-)

After seeing these fellas, we headed back to the pink Wal-Mart (Did I mention before that the one in Port Isabel is pink? The girl found that fascinating.) for a few things we forgot on the first trip. Then we headed back to the condo, donned our swimsuits and spent the rest of the day on the beach. Again. And it was delightful.

After dinner, Taylor and I headed out onto the balcony to look at the water and sunset....

It was absolutely beautiful and stunning yet again....

....but I found her to be just as beautiful...even if getting a 'tween to willingly take photos is somewhat challenging... :-)