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Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Bowl Cuteness

Due to his age, size and our obsession with him, Rambo made the trip to Houston for the Texas Bowl. Now y'all know how much we loved (and still do, to be honest) Bo but he wasn't exactly the best boy to travel with when he was younger. The same cannot be said for lil' man because he is, quite frankly, the best traveler in our family.

Hands. Down.

Of course, after sleeping all the way to Houston, he needed - what else - a nap.

The beds in our room were super soft and very plush. He made himself right at home and enjoyed every single second.


Because of the crazy storming weather, Dave headed back to the hotel at half time to check on the little fella. Apparently the staff had delivered some chocolate chip cookies to the room after we left so he was wide awake and in need of some cuddle time. You see, he's a great traveler but he's not all that brave and is super frightened of bad weather.

After spending the second half with his dad while I spent it at the stadium with mine (Tay and my mom bailed to take a LONG walk, thanks to a nice man who gave them erroneous directions) - Donny and I experienced the heights of a rally and the depths of a bit of a collapse throughout the third and fourth quarters - R-bo settled in with a bond while we had a late dinner at Pappadeaux.

This photo obviously wasn't taken at that time but I just found it and it's delightful so I'm sharing. You're welcome. :-)

The next morning - and let me say there is a really good story coming about my encounter with one of my favorite Baylor football players coming just needs its own post - my parents and the girl headed to Louisiana to see Maw Maw.

She looked soooo cute that morning and actually smiled at the camera. 

She, of course, needed some cuddle time before leaving Rambo for a few days. He was more interested in running, jumping, playing, chewing, etc.

But wait - there's more - because she allowed me to take yet ANOTHER picture. Yes, that sound you hear is the "Hallelujah Chorus." Why do you ask?

And then she was off for fun and down home cooking while the man and I headed back to Waco for Barkin' Ball. A mostly delightful experience was had by all.

On another note, today is the one year anniversary of the devastating earthquake in Haiti. The people of Australia are suffering today as lives and homes have been lost. This morning I read the blog post of a woman whose husband passed away in their bedroom two days before Christmas. His diagnosis: Influenza A. The number of parents dealing with horrific health issues with their children is astounding and I know there are so many more who suffer on a daily basis...

All that to say that I am feeling incredibly blessed today, friends, and I pray you are as well.

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.
Romans 8:28