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Monday, November 1, 2010

A Halloween Classic

As you may have guessed by now, my girl enjoys a good joke and loves to laugh. Each and every day. So I guess it should come as no surprise that she insists on having a fun and unusual costume each Halloween. As you may recall, last year she went as a Twister game, which was absolutely hilarious.

This year she decided to go with Alice in Wonderland, which was pretty traditional for her taste, but it turned out not to be as all of the Alice costumes in her size were a bit too risque for my taste (and hers as well, thank you Lord) so we spent a couple weeks scouring the web before landing on....


This costume is probably my favorite EVER that she's had because The Smurfs are my all-time favorite cartoon. Now that may have something to do with the fact that we didn't get more than four channels at a time where I grew up in Louisiana. Needless to say, the options weren't exactly plentiful but still...

It's only fair that I let you in on the secret that it was not Tay's all time favorite because it was apparently "hot...very, very hot..." Clearly the girl and I need to have a conversation about being willing to suffer for fashion. She also wasn't a huge fan of the hat because it kept falling off but, again, fashion!

We headed to church for our annual Fall Festival where both she and Dave worked in the booths. You could call me a slacker for not working one myself but, honestly, my brain is still fried from last week. I did, however, serve as chauffeur for Smurfette as she landed what I like to refer to as the motherload of all Halloween candy.

This little guy made me smile because Tay remembered that we used to walk by him all the time when we first moved to this neighborhood. Zumba has taken me off the streets (wait - that didn't sound right) but I love that she remembers things like that...

This is a house about a block from our house. They clearly don't care for Halloween at much so that they add things to the display on a daily - nope, not annual - basis. It's Tay's favorite so we always visit there last ;-)

Someone's mood clearly improved after scoring 3 months worth of candy. What can I say? She takes after her mother in the "lover of sweets" category.

Of course no Halloween night photo shoot would be complete without the newest addition to the Puppy Posse. Honestly, we are still sad about Bo and that means ALL OF US, which includes Prissy for sure. But Rambo has provided a much needed distraction and, quite frankly, running from his razor sharp baby teeth is proving to be a full-time job!

We tried to get Prissy to join in but she's was ready for a nap and I've recently learned that when Priss is ready for a nap she has zero tolerance for puppy antics. Who knew?

After all of the events of the past week, I'm feeling very thankful for my family. No, it's not all sunshine and lollipops but there aren't any others with whom I'd rather do life.

I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in his holy people.
Ephesians 1:18