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Tuesday, June 8, 2010

A Saturday Afternoon Fairy Tale

Saturday marked the first weekend of Miss Thang's summer break so we decided to have a fun girls' day, which included shopping (obvious, right?), lunch at Texas Roadhouse and a trip to see the traveling Lego exhibit at the Mayborn Museum.
I believe there are a number of Lego exhibits that travel but this specific one is the Castle Adventure and, if you're in the area I would highly recommend it because it's tons o' fun and has a number of interactive components that both keep your child occupied and allow you to play with Legos. All in the name of parenting. What more could a girl want?
After a photo on the celebratory Lego throne, we got down to the business at hand - admiring works of art presented in great detail....
As you can see, there were a number of castles from which to choose...and you'll be happy to know there were actually more but I didn't upload a photo of each. You're welcome.
After a bit of inspiration, we decided to try our hand at creating a castle of our very own...
Taylor clearly won the castle challenge...
But she did try to make me feel better by telling me mine was "pretty."
Where there's a castle there's always a dragon, right? Just not always one made out of Legos, I suppose...
Leading up to the opening of this exhibit, there was a call for entries from the community. The best ones are currently on display and were super impressive. Behold Pat Neff Hall...
The Dr. Pepper Museum, Jacob's Ladder at Cameron Park and the Suspension Bridge were also on display. Yowza at the Lego talent in this town!

You'll be happy to know all of these beautiful buildings were heavily guarded.

By knights, that is...
Many knights...

And what exhibit in Waco, Texas, would be complete without a castle built out of Dr. Pepper brand cans?

I submit to you that answer to that question is none. And I have the photo prove it...
We had a great time and I've already been told we really need to go back before the exhibit leaves. Good thing we invest in an annual family pass, huh? :-)


Ang said...

Awesome! The boys are clamoring to go back, too. :)