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Friday, May 28, 2010

Field Day ~ The Final Chapter

Yesterday afternoon the man and I headed over to Rice Field for Tay's last Field Day in elementary school. While I have no idea if this is a tradition for intermediate school as well, I do know that it was hot. Like, sweat dripping down your back hot. 

Side note: When you lose some weight and have fewer layers of fat on said back, the dripping is much more pronounced. Bless those poor skinny folks' hearts, y'all!

Anyway, lots of fun was had at ye olde field day. There was some waiting in line for your turn....

Time spent with friends...
Running and showing your parents your mad volleyball skills. Had no idea the child could serve that well!
Some photos that Davey was very proud of while the child, not so much...
Lots of squatting because they won a lot so they had to sit while everyone else finished the relays...
More running...
A fierce tug o' war battle...
Friends who are in other classes...that's Aija in the yellow shirt.
...and lots of pouring water on your head and shirt to try and beat the heat. There was also a Kona Ice truck (snow cones) on standby for refreshment after all of these hot weather activities.
Let's just say we had one exhausted little girl on our hands when we picked her up. After a yummy Bush's Chicken dinner, she took a shower and then rested on the couch for the rest of the evening. We pretty much did the same because, now that I'm an adult, just watching all of that activity wears me out.

May you all have a blessed Memorial Day weekend!


Katie said...

Looks good and hot! Glad snow cones were close
by. ; )